
Friday, October 16, 2015

Butternut and Spinach Savoury Muffin

This is my latest line of generics to the real McCoy. For a brief recap, why is this recipe a generic? The reason is quite simple, since I have embarked on a paleo, banting, naturalist, primal lifestyle (I do not even know what I am classified), I have stayed away from processed ingredients like flour, sugar etc.

An acknowledgement, the true hero of this recipe is the sweet version, which after a number of trials (from different sources) came out quite tops. The source of the sweet version is the website Empowered Sustenance . The first time I made the sweet version it was very good and easy.

I am not going to try and convince you that my hybrid savoury recipe is better. Just be comfortable in the knowledge that this recipe managed to convince my taste buds to take the matter up with my brain to place the recipe on this blog. That is reference enough!


-          1 cup butternut
-          1 cup spinach
-          ½ cup coconut flour
-          6 eggs
-          6 Tbsp coconut oil
-          2 Tbsp Greek Yoghurt
-          ½ tsp baking soda
-          1 tsp vinegar
-          1 tsp salt
-          Feta

-          Pre-heat oven to 150 degree C
-          Cut butternut into cubes and boil until soft
-          Combine and liquidise soft butternut and spinach
-          In a bowl starting at coconut flour add each ingredient in order and mix until smooth liquid texture (excluding feta)
-          Mix liquidised butternut and spinach into mixture
-          In cupcake tray add, mixture and feta in whatever combination
-          Place in oven for 10-15mins or until slightly brown
-          Remove from oven, let cool and enjoy
 PS: the mixture does stick to the cupcake tray abit. My favourite way to enjoy this is with a piece of macon (fake bacon) in between ala fake sandwich.