
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Project LOL (The beginning)

Project LOL: The beginning

Over the past couple of years I've grown increasing distrustful of all institutions, universities, health and well being organizations, governments (duh!!), religious fanatics and most of all the media. There is some form of politics that has infested virtually every aspect of daily life both knowingly and unknowingly.

From the time I was growing up my physique was that of the rotund persuasion. I tried in vain to improve my vanity. I tried all sorts of fads, "sound advice" and even ran the comrades ULTRA ya! but alas I had failed, to improve both my vanity and physical prowess, I completed the comrades twice (just to avoid ambiguity, check out my other blog as proof). One day on a commute to my dead end job, I was listening to the hyper negative radio 702 (which was my pick me up before work...yeish!) and there comes onto radio Dr Tim Jokes (that's how the gym rats would gossip instead of pumping the iron/working out. "Handle your business like a man" still has no meaning. Dr Tim Noakes is who I am referring to in case my rambling is a little to close to South African current affairs).

Since I had run comrades, I obviously had read Lore of Running and these statements were awesome news or maybe me clinging at hope. I had moved beyond my vanity and onto actual improved performance for myself. So I got to the office sent an e-mail and received a reply. (Which famous personality actually replies to e-mails) That got me on my current journey. I devoured knowledge, tested myself and listened to podcasts. This debate is going to continue for awhile but at least there is a debate that has been ignited and in the future better more sound information shall come out. The issue I think is that egos have been bruised and the embarrassment is something many "learned" people cannot cope with right now........maybe they should chuck the pride, just saying.

I hope my dear readers that you read through my rant and lead up for Project LOL, which is short for Live Of Land. This project has been born out of my distrust for supermarket institutions and the entities that back them be it political, religious or well being with some "make no sense" ideology.

The purpose of this project is to put together systems and processes so that I can produce fresh produce from the land I live on. If I had lived in a flat the same shall apply. I hope to take my readers through this journey and by the end of this year, everything shall be in place. I also hope that the information that I shall make FREELY available is useful to anybody who would like to try.

Ideally I would like to visit the supermarket for toilet paper only!!! Its a 2 ply issue.

Things that I have tried on my own, and have been successful:
- Worm farming (Vermicomposting)
- Growing seeds (defies 2nd law of thermodynamics)
- growing plants with light emitting diodes (LEDs)
-making my own yoghurt
-making my own biltong (jerky)

Step 1 of Project LOL: Define the parameters.
  • I need to design a green house that incorporates LEDs for my area. I need to use all the pot plants that I have generated over the recent time. I would like to harvest rain water for my plants and use sustainable energy to operate the LED and circulation pumps (irrigations).
  • In the future I would like to expand to hydroponics or even aqua-ponics (a little to rich for this year).
  • What plants and herbs that shall suit this man made environment. Cycle crops in such a way to ensure fresh produce?
I hope to have consistent Tuesday posts on this topic. I hope you shall find the journey fascinating.

Home made Biltong

Avocado Seedlings

LED grow light panel

Wormfarm and about 2 litres of worm juice (potent compost)

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