
Friday, January 30, 2015

"Fish and Chips"

Here I go with another post which is not quite as it should seem hence the quotation marks. I apologize for leading my readership on. I believe that if you change your life style ,"lifestyle change" so rotund people don't feel down, you should embrace it wholeheartedly and not look for something that is "just like". Have cauliflower rice for what it is cauliflower rice and NOT because it must replace regular rice. Nothing replaces the real ma-coy. Find dishes that you enjoy making and eating and leave it at that. IF you find a substitute you always have that link to something you were trying to change. Something like smoking and the twisp revolution.

After that ideology I present "fish and chips" which contradicts every thing I wrote in the previous paragraph. The problem is I'm not sure how to name this dish. The dish tastes awesome for what it is but cannot replace a good 'ol Hout bay fish and chips (fresh, batter dipped and fried).

The appliance that makes the chips portion possible is the result of marketing wizardry and has been named the "air fryer". In truth this is just a compact convection oven but in the soulless world of money anything goes to make money right? It worked and I bought one and it makes some wonderful food but lets get something straight it does not replace deep fried (see above paragraph). As you can see from the picture my air fryer is a white one and does not look like the currently trendy Phillips black one (among South African's of Indian ancestry is my personal reference). The Phillips black one looks like Darth Vader and mine looks more like the storm trooper. And true to the storm trooper motto it is slightly cheaper and feels a little inferior in quality but works just fine.

For the people that like a little speed in terms of the preparation of their food this recipe works quite well. And onto the recipe-

The chips:
1 medium Aubergine (cut into "chip" shape)
1 Tbsp coconut oil or olive oil or 2 Tbsp melted butter
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
1 Tbsp dried herbs

Mix aubergine, oil, salt, pepper and herbs
Place in air fryer for 30 mins at 220 degrees C from cold
Take out mix and inspect
place for another 10 mins to crisp if required

The Fish:
1 can sardines in brine
1 Tbsp coconut oil/olive oil or 2 Tbsp melted butter
1 whole chili
1 tsp garam masala

Place oil and whole chili in flat pan and heat up on medium heat
once oil is hot add garam masala
once spice is sizzling and strong aroma's arising from pan
add drained sardine and cook until the edges of the fish are crisp

Combine both dishes and enjoy!

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